Our 2018 Fair Trip

Last week, Dunn PAL took a group of teenagers, including myself, to the NC State Fair. We left the PAL Main Office around 3:30 pm to make sure that we got there in time to find a good parking space. Once we were parked, we grabbed our bags of canned good and went to turn them in to the Food Lion donation truck. When we first entered the State Fair grounds, we took several pictures of our group. Next, we all decided that food was more important than the games and rides at the time.
We went to different food vendors to pick out what we wanted and then we all met up at McBride’s Turkey Legs stand. From there, we checked out some of the games like the one involving shooting a water gun at a target and whoever raised the stuffed animal up the fastest would win any sized prize they wanted. It was very entertaining to watch some of the boys in our group get frustrated because someone else would beat them.
After we walked around outside for a bit, we went into the Expo Center. In there, we looked at many different things being sold and even tried some of the free samples like honey cotton candy and muscadine grape slushies. They were all really good and it was very interesting to try things you do not see everyday. At the end of the day, we were all hanging out by the Merry-Go-Round and taking a bunch of pictures with each other. I had a lot of fun that night with some pretty amazing friends.