Life After PAL

As we go through the school year, my days at Triton High School are slowing dwindling down. Since this is my senior year, I have already started looking at different colleges to continue my education. What I plan on studying when I go to college is Early Childhood Education. Being at PAL has helped me a lot with figuring out exactly what I want to do.
Through the Reach One Mentoring Program, I have plenty of experience in working with younger children and I love it. I have already applied to at least four colleges and I am currently filling out the FASFA forms. I honestly cannot wait until I get to go to college but I will miss being at Triton with all of my friends. I have a lot of good memories that I will not be forgetting anytime soon. Throughout my college journey, I will be coming back to PAL, continuing to help in the mentoring program in any way that I can.