Dunn at The National PAL Teen Summit

Our trip to Maryland was very amazing and everyone had a great time. I personally enjoyed my experience because I met many new people and was able to capture the amazing words from our motivational speakers. If I had the choice I would have loved to stay in Maryland much longer. Opportunities like this don’t come around often, so I made the best of my time! I am very grateful to have been chosen for this amazing experience. One thing I truly enjoyed was the food. They had every food you could possibly think of, and every day something delicious was being served! The rooms we stayed in were very comfortable, I could literally stay in there for days! One the most greatest memories was when we visited the U.S. Capitol to meet Senators Thom Tillis and Richard Burr which was a very interesting experience. The only thing I disliked about this trip was walking in the hot sun around D.C. We learned several valuable lessons, especially involving how to handle peer relationships and keeping a positive mindset. I plan to incorporate the ideas I learned at the Summit into my daily routine.