Media Arts Program Receives Sponsorship

The Dunn PAL Media Arts Department was given a $500 sponsorship from Bleecker Chevrolet in Dunn this week.

The sponsorship will go towards having shirts made for the members of the Media Arts Program as well as other improvements within the department. The Bleecker logo will be featured on a sleeve of the shirts in return for helping with the costs.

Among other important roles within the city, Bleecker CFO John Riley is also a mentor at Dunn PAL so, naturally, he was a spearhead in the exchange. After travelling to the dealership to receive the money, the students spoke with Mr. Riley and toured his office. He stressed the importance of maintaining success in school and emphasizing the opportunities that can come with an education.

Thank you once again to everyone at Bleecker Chevrolet from the Media Arts Program.

From left to right: Media Arts Coordinator Taylor Jones, Mrs. Barbara, Sakyreah Chance, Lathan Edmondson, Simahni McDonald, Jarrod Lawson, Derrick Rogers, Kyle Craft, Zaria Tearry, Damion Barfield, Zaibryion Smith, Nathan Williams, and Mr. John Reilly.