Thanksgiving Memories

Thanksgiving is coming up at the end of this week and I am honestly ready for it. This time of year brings back some amazing memories for me. It’s just beginning to show signs of the fall turning into winter, which is the best time of year for me. I say this because this is the time of year where I get to see more of the family members that do not live as close to me as others. For Thanksgiving, I travel to two different houses, my aunt’s house and my grandma’s house. It can be hectic sometimes but I love it because they cook different things so I get a bigger variety of foods. At my aunt’s house, they like to have the traditional turkey, ham, green beans, potatoes and rolls with pecan pie as dessert.
My grandma is a bit different though. She cooks the ham and turkey but mixes up the sides and desserts. At her house, we have mac’n’cheese, corn bread, and sweet corn. For dessert she makes pumpkin pie, apple pie, cinnamon rolls, and sweet potato pie. We all have our favorite board games we like to play like Monopoly and Sorry. After Thanksgiving is over, we all get together and set up the Christmas tree and decorate it. This is one of the only times of year that we all set aside our differences to truly be a family and have fun.