Final Week and Summer Transition

For our readers who may not know, this is the final week of the 2018-19 school year at Dunn PAL. The after-school program will be closed to students on Friday, June 7th. As such, the staff will be throwing a big celebration tomorrow, June 6th, at the Dunn PAL Fitness Center.

Pizza will be served along with fun and games to commemorate the end of the year and acknowledge student achievements this semester. Hours will remain the same and students will still be driven home by PAL staff as usual. We are very proud of our accomplishments this year and look to build on them into the summer and later into the next school-year.

After this week, the PAL will be closed the following week, June 10th through the 14th. This will offer the necessary time between closing out the regular school year and preparing for the summer program. The summer program will begin Monday, June 17th and run for 8 weeks, until Thursday, August 15th. Dunn PAL will be closed the week of July 4th.

The program will consist of enrichment activities such as reading, S.T.E.A.M., and study skills to name a few. In between those days will be educational field trips. The PAL will be aiming at taking two trips per week, with some destinations reaching beyond Dunn. Daily schedules may be altered according to the longer field trip destinations as well.

Students will arrive at the Fairground Road main office every day between 10:30 and 11 AM. Instructional times and lunch periods will take place between arrival and the 4 PM dismissal. Students may arrive home later or earlier than the 4-4:30 range due to the aforementioned trips. Notices will be sent out for any drastic changes to the schedule.

A big thank you to all of our students, parents, and volunteers who spent time with the program and attended events throughout the year.